Stadt-Land-Plus OLGA Project

Optimisation of land use along water bodies and on agricultural land as well as support value creation in the agrifood system of the Dresden area


Call for Abstracts: 10. Forum Agroforstsysteme Gießen

Ihre Beiträge sind gefragt! Deadline 4. März 2025

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The OLGA project on the home straight

New agroforestry forum in Saxony

DeFAF Saxony Regional group meets for the first time!

Our mission

The OLGA project investigates and develops sustainable land use approaches, taking into account regional value creation aspects in the Dresden region and overall Saxony. The focus is on the optimal use of wood from agroforestry systems along watercourses. In coexistence with the natural tree population, agriculturally used wood strips offer the watercourse valuable ecosystem services, such as climate mitigation, erosion protection, and promotion of biodiversity. Additional value-added potentials for regional products, such as wood chips for heat generation or legumes for human nutrition, are analysed and used in strong cooperation with regional partners. 

Citizens in the region actively participate in the project through focus groups, real labs and other methods of Citizen Science and explore the added value that sustainable land use and regional food can have for their own environment and quality of life. The partners in OLGA promote city-regional partnerships and value chains, especially in the field of wood use from agroforestry and legumes for human nutrition, and develops public welfare-oriented and regional financing models for already established companies and products.


Graphic Recording about the OLGA project (Source: www.123comics.net)

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What we do

Take a look at our first project video and get an idea of OLGA and the people behind it!