Technische Universität Dresden

TU Dresden is involved in the OLGA practical phase 2023-2025 with two institutions: the Chair of Hydraulic Engineering and the Centre for Open Digital Innovation and Participation (CODIP). During the 2020-2023 research phase, the Professorships of Forest Botany and Biodiversity and Nature Conservation were also actively involved. 

Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Technical Hydromechanics, Chair of Hydraulic Engineering

The Chair of Hydraulic Engineering at the TUD is working on the following main topics:

  • Monitoring of the microclimate of wooded watercourses
  • Near-natural watercourse development on second-order watercourses, taking flood protection into account
  • Hydrodynamic-numerical (HN) modelling of surface runoff processes with special consideration of the interaction between riparian vegetation and hydraulics
  • Determination of flood retention by agricultural wood plantations
  • Further development of the habitat suitability model TRiMM developed at the Chair of Hydraulic Engineering and coupling it to a heat model to assess the quality of life of macrozoobenthos as a function of the shading characteristics of riparian vegetation
  • Compatibility of the requirements of the EC Flood Risk Management Directive and the EC Water Framework Directive while at the same time taking into account the economic interests of the land owners along watercourses.


Center for Open Digital Innovation and Participation (CODIP)

The CODIP of the TU Dresden brings valuable expertise to the table, including

  • Digital media conception and design, usability, psychology
  • Evaluation of participation processes
  • Conception and implementation of Citizen Science projects on the topics of regional value creation
  • Survey of motivation to participate in Citizen Science projects
  • Development and use of 3D tools for participation
