Cooperation partners

In OLGA we work closely with our cooperation partners. Especially in the practical phase, we benefit from their experience and expertise. We are happy that you are part of it ;-).

Marktschwärmer Dresden

There are already 11 Schwärmereien in the Dresden region where you can buy fresh products from regional producers. With Fanny, host of the 4 Dresden Schwärmereien, we are constantly working on innovative marketing concepts and formats for regionally produced products for the countryside and the city.

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The Domin farm

Thomas Domin is an expert in the establishment of agroforestry systems and other sustainable land use concepts. On his farm in Peickwitz near Senftenberg, he has already run or completed several agroforestry trials and monitoring projects. Among others, one of our experimental plots for agroforestry on a watercourse.

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Food Council Dresden and Region

The Food Council is a municipal body for shaping the regional food system. We are in close exchange with our colleagues on the topics of urban agriculture and the edible city.

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UFER-Projekte Dresden e. V.

UFER-Projekte e. V. coordinates the Dresden network of community gardens and uses them as open, participatory urban spaces. Every year, we organise together the Kitchen Talks, the Dresden discussion series for good food and food fit for grandchildren.

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Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW

Together with the scientists at the Fraunhofer IMW in Leipzig we exchange views on the needs of regional value creation and digital innovations in agriculture. Regional financing and business models are also an important topic at our regular Jour Fixes.

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Saxon Agency for Regional Food (AgiL)

The agency is an important service provider, among other things, in the establishment of market cooperations along the value chains, the development of logistics and marketing solutions and the creation of marketing structures and market conditions for regional products in Saxony. Of course, we are in close contact with our colleagues in Liebertwolkwitz.

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Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL) Mitteldeutschland e. V.

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft e.V. (AbL) is a farmers' interest group that advocates sustainable agriculture in the sense of socially and environmentally compatible agriculture, as well as appropriate framework conditions. We take the needs and wishes of AbL farmers into the project, and in return try to place our topics, such as agroforestry and legumes, on their land ;-).

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Permagold eG - Agricultural citizen-based

Permagold has set itself the goal of producing healthy, ecologically valuable food using methods of regenerative agriculture such as permaculture and agroforestry. With the actors of the cooperative, which now has its first producer Permagold Oberlausitz GmbH in Nebelschütz, we exchange closely on the implementation of sustainable land use systems and "grandchild-friendly" agriculture in general. 

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Quendt Food Innovation

With Matthias and Heike Quendt, we are working on ways in which pulses grown in the Dresden region, such as field bean, lupine, soy and lentil, can also be consumed regionally. From cultivation to processing, product development and marketing, together we envision future value chains and their implementation - for a healthy, tasty and climate-friendly diet with pulses.

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Vegannett Biomanufaktur

The producer of the region's most delicious vegan spreads cannot be missing from our cooperation list, of course. We work together to see and taste more pulses in these art works and connect with growing farmers and other actors along the value chain.

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German Agroforestry Association (DeFAF)

DeFAF is committed to increasing the promotion of agroforestry in Germany and its use in agriculture. We also want this to happen and are therefore in regular contact with the staff in the network on the topics of advice, planning, establishment and maintenance of agroforestry systems.

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NAHhaft e. V.

NAHhaft is committed to a social-ecological reorientation of agriculture and nutrition. The association explores paths that promote sustainable food systems and supports organisations from business, politics and administration as well as civil society to develop innovative concepts and effectively put them into practice. We want to build bridges and promote dialogue between different actors.

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Kompetenzzentrum Ökologischer Landbau des Freistaates Sachsen

As part of the Saxon State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Geology, the Competence Center aims to strengthen organic farming and the processing of organic products in Saxony in the long term. In the field of agroforestry and the planting, management and harvesting of these and other regenerative land use systems and arable crops used for this purpose, we intensively exchange information with our colleagues in Nossen.

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Together with Zaituna, the one-man business of Ali Habiballah, we are developing new value chains for products with legumes from regional cultivation. Zaituna is known in Dresden for its excellent organic products, such as falafel and hummus - prepared with love and care and marketed in Dresden supermarkets or to local community catering businesses.

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