OLGA team visits agricultural timber plantation

The 8 ha area on the Colmnitzbach stream not far from Weidegut Colmnitz is to be the study area for modelling the effects of the woody plants on flood retention and the habitat of flowing waters, among other things.


Wintery hustle and bustle on an afternoon at the end of January: The OLGA project partners from Module 1: "Sustainable use of energy wood along watercourses and on agricultural land" met in Colmnitz to visit the 0.8 ha agricultural wood plantation on the Colmnitzbach, which was planted in 2007. The area is managed by the Colmnitz agricultural cooperative. 

During the inspection, the members of the chairs of hydraulic engineering, forest botany and biodiversity and nature conservation at the TU Dresden discussed the suitability of the plantation as a experimental area, especially for modelling the effects of agricultural wood along watercourses on flood retention, aquatic habitats and on vegetation composition and phytodiversity. The agricultural wood plantation in Colmnitz would be the third experimental plot in the OLGA project.