
Here you can read all news about the OLGA project and access information about activities and events related to the topic of regional value creation in Dresden and surroundings by month and year.

September 2024

Geheimnisse der orientalischen Küche mit regionalen Bio-Zutaten - zu Besuch bei Zaituna

Ab 11 Uhr im Rahmen der Bioerlebnistage Sachsen Leckeres probieren und mehr erfahren

Weiterbildung Esskulturwandel "Vom Acker bis in die Köpfe"

Bewerbungsschluss 08. September 2024

August 2024

The Lentil falafels at Palais Sommer 2024 were a complete success!

Catering with increasingly regional products should make the event more sustainable

LeguNet-Umfrage zu den Herausforderungen im Leguminosenanbau

Das Leguminosen-Netzwerk LeguNet ruft Landwirtschaftsbetriebe dazu auf, an einer kurzen Umfrage teilzunehmen.

DeFAF e.V. beim Stadtfest in Geithain

Landwirtschaft und Forstwirtschaft zusammendenken

Stellenausschreibung beim LfULG im Bereich Agroforst

Projekt-Referent (m/w/d) für "MODEMA - Modell- und Demonstrationsnetzwerk Agroforstwirtschaft in Deutschland"

Juli 2024

Neue Runde für Bio-Regio-Modell-Regionen in Sachsen startet

Förderanträge können bis 31.08.2023 gestellt werden.

Free State of Saxony seeks implementers of agroforestry model systems

Following on the planning of the various agroforestry systems in northern Saxony, the different plantings on the four arable areas are now to be realised.

Of hedges, copses and timber cultivation in the region of Wurzen near Leipzig

Review of the field day on 21.06.2024

Juni 2024

From bean, peanut and mimosa - fabulous Fabaceae

Exhibition on pulses in the Botanical Garden of the TU Dresden

Agroforestry planting in Grumbach bei Dresden

OLGA pilot plot becomes reality

Gastro meets farmer - network meeting in Dresden on 25.06.2024

Dresden Food Council invites you to exchange ideas

Mai 2024

Einladung zum Agroforst-Feldtag am 21.06.2024 im Wurzener Land

Hecken, Feldgehölze und Agrarholzanbau - Umweltleistungen und regionale Wertschöpfung

Stellenausschreibung Gärtner (m/w/d) bei der Permagold Oberlausitz GmbH

Unterstütze regional nachhaltige Lebensmittelerzeugung in der Oberlausitz - komm zu Permagold!

April 2024

Energetic use of wood biomass from agroforestry and short rotation plantations as a piece of the decarbonisation puzzle

OLGA part of the integrated energy and climate protection concept of the city of Dresden

März 2024

Article on website of the European Agroforestry Federation published

Insights to the OLGA project

Januar 2024

Nationwide campaign "Agroforst JETZT!" launched

Broad alliance presents position paper in favour of more agroforestry in Germany

Dezember 2023

Resilience through regional cooperation? Value creation from agroforestry systems with fast-growing tree species

Practical workshop with municipalities, farmers and energy suppliers

November 2023

Falafel from regional lentils are the vegan stars of the ISSTGUT! 2023 Leipzig

OLGA initiated tasting and exchange at the AgiL Sachsen stand

September 2023

Around 300 people at the German 9th Agroforestry Systems Forum in Freiburg

Under the motto "Making agriculture fit for the future", this year's Agroforestry Forum for the German-speaking region took place on 27 and 28 September 2023 in beautiful Freiburg. With almost 300 the number of participants increased compared to the previous biennial forums. This is an indication that interest in agroforestry continues to grow.

August 2023

Regional network for agroforestry founded

Interdisciplinary consortium bundles information on agroforestry management and value creation for farmers and landowners

Koch-Workshop mit Kita- und Schulverpflegern kam super an!

Im Rahmen des Workshops haben die Teilnehmenden die Vielfalt der Hülsenfrüchte kennengelernt und gekostet.

Agil startet Umfrage zu Lieferstrukturen für Einrichtungen der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung in Sachsen

Jetzt bis 15. September 2023 teilnehmen!

Juli 2023

#Food2045 - Building a regional legume value chain for Dresden and the region

OLGA Vision Workshop in the COSMO Science Forum

Juni 2023

Come together of the Stadt-Land-Plus community in Bamberg

Of regional justice, local beer and regional fresh vegetables

Mai 2023

Scientific assistant at the ZAFT of the HTW Dresden for the project "Strip-Till-One Pass" wanted!

Apply until 18.06.2023!

Open letter to federal and state governments for more agroforestry

Broad alliance calls for more support

First maintenance measure at recently established agroforestry system in Lommatzsch

Weed control with combined forces

April 2023

UFER-Projekte e. V. sucht Verstärkung im Bereich Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
What is the poplar doing in the field?

First agroforestry planting near Lommatzsch

Gestaltet die Bundesgartenschau 2033 in Dresden mit!

Online-Umfrage zur BUGA-Bewerbung startet

März 2023

Stellenausschreibung! Bewerbt Euch bis 23.04.2023

Das ZAFT an der HTW Dresden sucht Verstärkung für das DMPL-Bündnis

LfULG calls on farmers to participate in LeguNet!

Bundling agricultural competence in grain legume cultivation in Saxony

Februar 2023

Exhibition "What is sustainability?" opens at the COSMO Science Forum

Project OLGA delivers exhibition feature on future-proof agriculture

Legume promotion days at Marktschwärmer Dresden

Peas, beans, lentils & co. on stage

DMPL- Innovationsforum "Power-Eiweiß aus Sachsen"

Körnerleguminosen auf dem Prüfstand: Produktion - Verarbeitung - Handel

Januar 2023

OLGA promotion action: regional pulses meet Marktschwärmer

Learn all about the regional cultivation of pulses and their manifold uses

Wettbewerb: Auf die Plätze! Citizen Science in Deiner Stadt!

Ideen für Citizen Science-Projekte gesucht! | Gewinne bis 50.000 € warten!

Article published: Development of transient habitat modeling for stream Macrozoobenthos

Scientists at TU Dresden develop approach for habitat modelling of microorganisms in small water streams

Dezember 2022

Agroforestry pioneers wanted for Dresden and the surrounding area!

BUND Dresden is looking for a farmer to actively participate in the project "Multifunctional Biotope Network".

November 2022

Best practices for new farming wanted!

Our sibling project KOPOS is looking for cooperative approaches for a sustainable and regional food supply in the regions of Berlin-Brandenburg and Freiburg im Breisgau. Apply until 4th of December 2022!

Newsletter of the Stadt-Land-Plus programme published!

Four years of Stadt-Land-Plus - results and networking at the 2022 status conference

Oktober 2022

Ölmühle Moog seeks innovative ideas for agricultural projects

Small Projects Fund as part of the "For Good Reason" initiative

September 2022

Stadt-Land-Plus Status Conference 2022 in Leipzig

Big reunion in Leipzig's Felsenkeller to exchange project results and ideas for continuation

Workshop on the use of regional pulses in kindergarden and school catering

OLGA cooperates with Nahhaft e. V.

Peas, lentils, field beans danced at Kraftwerk Mitte Fest 2022

OLGA informiert über die Verwendung von Hülsenfrüchten in der täglichen Ernährung

August 2022

OLGA project in mdr feature on agroforestry

Effects of agricultural wood structures on biodiversity in flowing waters

Juli 2022

What goes "sustainably" in Dresden?

Workshop with actors of Zukunftsstadt Dresden and TU Dresden on 24.06.2022

Juni 2022

Südpark Dresden: Real laboratory for urban agriculture?

Local inspection by bike of potential pilot areas for sustainable land management

Mai 2022

Förderung für Agroforst-Modellflächen im Förderprogramm "Nachwachsende Rohstoffe

Jetzt Skizzen einreichen bis 31.08.2022

DeFAF Agroforestry Academy with its own website!

Find all information on further training opportunities in agroforestry here

Get involved in the dialogue on food systems!

A platform of the German Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food

Mitarbeiter:in für das Projekt OLGA gesucht!

Das Umweltzentrum Dresden e. V., Partner im Projekt OLGA, sucht ab Juni 2022 Verstärkung im Bereich Landwirtschaft und Naturschutz.

April 2022

Field looking for SoLawi!

Agricultural cooperative in Central Saxony gives up land for solidarity-based farming

März 2022

Knowledge for Future

Environmental podcast on sustainable business and climate protection policy

eku Zukunftspreis 2022

Saxony promotes ideas and projects for energy, climate and environmental protection

Februar 2022

Advance notice: Register now for the Agroforestry Academy!

German Association for Agroforestry (DeFAF e. V.) organises training courses on agroforestry for farmers and advisors for the first time

Free State of Saxony adopts measures for EU agricultural support 2023-2027

Planning security and income prospects for agriculture walking on the greening path

Dezember 2021

Together for sustainable urban and regional development

The Leibniz Institute for Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) and the City of Dresden want to work more closely together in future on the topics of climate protection, climate adaptation, biodiversity, energy and mobility, citizen participation, health and nutrition, as well as smart city and the use of Big Data.

Oktober 2021

Lively exchange at the partner meeting in Tharandt

From chicken forest to root volume to plant concept

Online session "The Green Deal and Saxon agriculture" on Youtube

Europa am Morgen #5 now for re-listening

September 2021

OLGA project video

Video pitch published as part of the Stadt-Land-Plus Status Conference

Influence of agricultural timber plantations on neighbouring watercourses

Research work has begun in Peickwitz, Colmnitz and on the Mortelbach stream

Juli 2021

OLGA partners meet at Domin's farm

Project meeting and field trip on agroforestry

Juni 2021

Saxony establishes competence centre for organic farming

Survey asks practitioners about key topics in research and development

Agrowood plantation potential on smaller plots around 4 ha

Students of the TU Dresden identified potential areas for agrowood plantations in the Dresden region in a GIS analysis.

Bundestag decided: Agroforestry systems as "Öko-Regelung" now also on grassland

Farmers can apply for "eco-funding"


Mai 2021

Wanted: ideas for a regionally sustainable agriculture and food industry

Apply now and and become Saxony's 1st Bio-Regio Model Region!

April 2021

Bioeconomy: Best practices wanted!

German Landscape Conservation Association and partners launch competition and call for participation

Januar 2021

OLGA team visits agricultural timber plantation

The 8 ha area on the Colmnitzbach stream not far from Weidegut Colmnitz is to be the study area for modelling the effects of the woody plants on flood retention and the habitat of flowing waters, among other things.

Dezember 2020

SMEKUL launches value-added initiative  "Sustainably out of the crisis"
More regional and organic food in Saxony?

Free State presents feasibility study on regional value creation.

2nd OLGA Meeting on 1st of December 2020

The OLGA project partners met online to discuss the upcoming activities together.

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