
Here you can read all news about the OLGA project and access information about activities and events related to the topic of regional value creation in Dresden and surroundings by month and year.

Dezember 2021

Together for sustainable urban and regional development

The Leibniz Institute for Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) and the City of Dresden want to work more closely together in future on the topics of climate protection, climate adaptation, biodiversity, energy and mobility, citizen participation, health and nutrition, as well as smart city and the use of Big Data.

Oktober 2021

Lively exchange at the partner meeting in Tharandt

From chicken forest to root volume to plant concept

Online session "The Green Deal and Saxon agriculture" on Youtube

Europa am Morgen #5 now for re-listening

September 2021

OLGA project video

Video pitch published as part of the Stadt-Land-Plus Status Conference

Influence of agricultural timber plantations on neighbouring watercourses

Research work has begun in Peickwitz, Colmnitz and on the Mortelbach stream

Juli 2021

OLGA partners meet at Domin's farm

Project meeting and field trip on agroforestry

Juni 2021

Saxony establishes competence centre for organic farming

Survey asks practitioners about key topics in research and development

Agrowood plantation potential on smaller plots around 4 ha

Students of the TU Dresden identified potential areas for agrowood plantations in the Dresden region in a GIS analysis.

Bundestag decided: Agroforestry systems as "Öko-Regelung" now also on grassland

Farmers can apply for "eco-funding"


Mai 2021

Wanted: ideas for a regionally sustainable agriculture and food industry

Apply now and and become Saxony's 1st Bio-Regio Model Region!

April 2021

Bioeconomy: Best practices wanted!

German Landscape Conservation Association and partners launch competition and call for participation

Januar 2021

OLGA team visits agricultural timber plantation

The 8 ha area on the Colmnitzbach stream not far from Weidegut Colmnitz is to be the study area for modelling the effects of the woody plants on flood retention and the habitat of flowing waters, among other things.

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